...for giving riders like me a bad name.
Yes, I am in the ranting mood once again.
I'm browsing through one of the social networks I am on, only to find a couple of pictures of a totally trashed bike in my area. There wasn't an explanation to what happened only a comment that he watched his friend almost die and the bike is totaled.
So I asked what had happened and said that I hoped his friend had worn all of his/her gear. The response I got ticked me off.
His friend had been doing a wheelie at 80mph and had got cocky and pulled it up too much. His gear, you ask? A helmet. That's got to be some sucky road rash.
Honestly, I can't say I feel sorry for him. Not one bit. A) If you want to disrespect the power your bike has- do it in a controlled area, B) when you decide to do stupid things that could go wrong then you really ought to do yourself a favor and wear protective gear, and C) when you do decide to do moronic things, stop being a selfish prick and think of other drivers who may be endangered by your childish actions.
Meanwhile thanks to riders whose brains obviously haven't outgrown the teeny-bopper stage of their development, I get the dirty looks from cops.
So thank-you.